Sunday, November 24, 2019

Entry #10: Can I Stop Getting the Middle Seat?!

plane fail GIFThis is Captain Amor speaking, ladies and gentlemen we’ve apparently lost our hydraulics and are working on the issue. Please hold tight.

Traveling by plane can be the most terrifying and uncomfortable experience out there. Although it can have some perks like watching a sunset. I uh can't really think of any more perks. I will be visiting home next month and I get so much built up anxiety from flying. When flying I create a mental checklist to help defuse my anxiety levels. 

Image result for clouds sunsetThis checklist consists of four parts: Pre-traveling, waiting to board the plane, flying the aircraft (kidding), and landing. 

pack packing GIFPre-Traveling:
When pre-traveling make sure you bring your essentials. For the most part I will bring an abundance of clothing, shoes, toiletries, makeup, my laptop, notebook / pens, a neck pillow, a travel jacket, headphones (which are a must), etc. Polaroid cameras are also cool to travel around with! 

Make sure to neatly pack your luggage! You never know when you're going to be needing something from one of your bags. This can be done by folding your clothing to the smallest size possible or packing specific outfits or groups in ziploc bags. 

Waiting To Board:
You got to your boarding area considerably early and now your bored with nothing to do. This is the perfect time to 1. Use real bathrooms and 2. Grab your snacks! You should always be drinking water when traveling. Dehydration can be killer during this time. I usually take this time to hydrate and moisturize. Traveling can be tough on your skin and body. You've gotten your snacks and taken care of your body. Now it is time for the waiting game. A very obvious tip would be to use your phone. If you don't have a phone, pretend to have one. If you’re as anti social as me, you would understand that headphones are a savior and talking is horrendous. 

amy poehler drinking GIFFlying (as a passenger.. do I really have to clarify that? [kidding]): 
Traveling alone can be awful. The comfort levels differ when getting an assigned seat. If you got the window seat congratulations you have received a considerably nice seat (unless you get motion sick). You’re on the end? Not too bad.. You can at least leave before anyone else in your row. If you get the middle seat be ready for a long and stiff journey (hence why I travel with a neck pillow). 

This is the perfect time to 1. Drink alcohol (if you’re of legal age) 2. SLEEP! 3. Take advantage of their free tv shows if they offer them. Another cool thing about traveling is that your brain is constantly producing ideas. Write them down!

You hear the “we will be landing in 20 minutes” from the speaker. Everyone around you is shuffling around with anxious and relieved faces. For obvious reasons clean up after yourself and make sure you have everything. Everyone will be grabbing from the top compartments. During this time I maneuver my way around everyone and dart to the finish line.  

You have made it to your destination. If you’re traveling home, it's now that time to greet your family members with the warmest of hugs. 
Broad City season 3 episode 9 broad city traveling GIF

“Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.” – Anthony Bourdain

Sincerely, Woe Amor

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Entry #9: Can I get Some of That?

Does anyone have a snack? Anyone?
Woe! The blog started.. 

When you think of trail mix do you think of the traditional ingredients that include various styles of nuts, raisins, popcorn, and even chocolate? 

I came across a humorous yet serious comic strip when searching for healthy trail mix over the weekend. 

The American obesity rate has dramatically increased since the year 1980. According to IHME, “160 million Americans are either obese or overweight.” The comic strip above depicts two boys in the woods talking about the food they had packed for their trip. The boy on the right says he has trail mix and presents his bag full of chips, cookies, pizza, cake, and candy. Alarming? The excited boy then proclaims that he makes his own with a giant smile on his face. The idea of trail mix has definitely been skewed in this boys head. The boy on the left appears genuinely confused and surprised by these unhealthy foods brought by the boy on the right. In comparison to his friend on the left he also appears larger. According to the website IHME, “We know that there are severe health effects related to childhood obesity, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and many cancers. We need to be thinking now about how to turn this trend around.” 

trail mix video GIFIt is very important to educate our children on the effects of poor eating habits and lifestyles. When a person chooses to eat poorly they are faced with larger health risks like diabetes or heart related problems. You could be saving your child from even experiencing these particular problems at a young age when informing them about the benefits of eating healthier. 

Season 6 Pizza GIF by Friends

Don't get me wrong pizza and chips sound awesome but I also can respect a good healthy alternative. The blog named “Five Heart Home” does a great job at explaining how to make your own trail mix while still eating healthy. Remember eating clean doesn't have to be a task or a burden. There are plenty of great ways to incorporate healthy into your everyday lifestyle. I’d love to hear what you guys think!

Sincerely, Woe Amor  

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Entry #8: Monkeys on the Bed

Trainer Amor here,

I kid you not (pun intended), I always question my current profession. 

nervous knock knock GIF by NHLEveryday when entering my job, I always wonder if I am working at a zoo or at a pre-k school. When walking down the halls I always hear screeches and children practicing their animal noises. If I know anything about teaching toddlers, it’s that they really love the monkey noises. The children like to compete with my moos and neighs, but I’d like to think i'm the sensei in the room. As the children get older in age so do their attitudes. 

Help me.

After hearing about the mortifying “terrible twos” age group, I can honestly say those assumptions are true. There's a giant messy stigma around two year olds and potty training (luckily for me I mostly work with one year olds). The difference between one and two year olds is that when you're grabbing supplies you have to decide whether or not you need pull-ups or diapers size 4-6. When stuck with a bunch of one year olds, the vocabulary difference in comparison to the twos class is tremendous. Two year olds definitely know how to talk your ear off. 

1 year old: “Shoe on” or “Not nice”
2 year old: “Shut up Bobohead” (Hurts the worst)

interview crying GIF

When talking to toddlers, it’s important to use positive reinforcement and guidance throughout each day. How you talk to the children shapes how they express themselves early in their lives. For example, we are advised not to say the words “time out”. Instead we use words like “me time” or “time away”. When toddlers act out negatively towards peers, teachers are supposed to talk to them in a positive tone and have them reflect on their actions.

Again, someone help me.

children scaring GIFEach day every teacher follows a specific process for their kiddos. My process starts with signing into our roster and greeting my children. The children have a set routine of scheduled diaper changes, set meal times, and activities planned throughout the day. Staying consistent helps keep the classroom organized and avoids pure chaos. 

Even though my days seem frightening to most, I endure through the craziness because the education of toddlers depends on patient teachers. When talking to my children in a positive voice or tone I help them positively communicate to their peers. By helping children stay consistent with their schedules we as teachers help them prepare for life after preschool. I would illustrate a picture for the zoo-like classroom that I work in but I'd be afraid to lose one or two monkeys.

"The responses of the baby monkey are very similar to those of a human baby" - Harry Harlow

Sincerely, Woe Amor 

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Entry #7: I Am Not Amoosed

Woe! When did I turn into a food safety captain?
staring bored to death GIF
I stumbled upon a surprising video the other night when devouring a giant bag full of Chick-fil-A. The food that we surround ourselves with on a daily basis is filled with unnatural and unhealthy additives. The video titled Fresh, does a fantastic job at explaining the repulsive stages of food that we find in our local grocery stores. 

Ew Dislike GIFAmericans have grown seemingly lazier over the years when it comes to making meals. “There's nothing Americans fear more than inconvenience” says George Naylor. Ever wonder why the names are super long on the ingredients list? Our food nowadays contains preservatives and unnatural additives tracing back to the early farm stage. That chicken nugget you just ate contains a chicken who was neglected and fed antibiotics to help them fight off disease. Or maybe you just brought home a few steaks to cook for your family and had no idea that the cow you’re about to eat just ate another cow and grains (cows should only have a grass based diet). Pretty uh, gruesome if you ask me.
The target audience is anyone that isn't shopping at Whole Foods, Sprouts, and even their local farmer (organic and natural food products are easier to find at these exampled locations). Your body should be cherished and praised like a temple. Although the natural and organic foods may be higher in price, they are without a doubt better for your body (and I am no doctor). Let’s not forget to mention that the amount of money that goes into sustaining these toxic agricultural settings can be highly reduced. Just by rotating crops and feeding these animals what they should be eating (grass > grain) the agriculture industry can largely cut costs. 
Happy Homer Simpson GIF

Although the farmers tend to have a humorous tone, the video is consistently serious when speaking to their audience. I instantly knew that the video was important when it showcased horrid images of workers throwing a mass amount of chicks on the ground. Poor babies! When watching this video I instantly thought of the company Tyson amongst other farms in this highly competing industry. This video definitely opened my eyes more when it comes to purchasing food from the grocery store. This film matters and should be seen by every individual in America. It’s definitely easier to not know what's in our food. I truly believe that instead of being unaware of the growing agriculture issue, we as Americans should be coming up with solutions to make our people stronger and healthier. 
Vegan Hug GIF by VPRO

“Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.” - William Shakespeare
Sincerely, Woe Amor

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Entry #6: I Taught Gordon Ramsay

Chef Amor here, 

season 7 cooking GIF by MasterChef JuniorThroughout busy schedule, I try to find healthy and fast alternatives for meals. Scrolling through countless blogs, I came across one for healthy and fast pizza. After finding the holy grail of all healthy pizza recipes, I found myself at my local Walmart with a cart full of items. 

You can pretty much put anything on a personal pizza. For example: the moment I had shown my friends my little creation I was mocked for the heaps of onions I just threw on top. I guess learn how to cut onions or forever cry (Kidding). The blog: “Eat Yourself Skinny” does a great job at explaining how to make their flavorful Pita Pizza.

Whole Wheat Pita Bread Pizza
What you’ll need:
  • 4 whole-wheat pita breads (about 7½ inches)
  • 1 yellow bell pepper, seeds removed and julienned
  • 3 oz. fresh mozzarella, grated
  • Fresh basil, sliced
  • For the sauce:
  • ¼ tsp. olive oil
  • 1 yellow onion, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • ½ tsp. dried oregano
  • ½ tsp. dried basil
  • ¼ tsp. red pepper flakes
  • 1 bay leaf
  • ½ of a 28 oz. can whole peeled tomatoes, roughly chopped
  • ¼ cup tomato paste

How to make this secret delicacy:    

"1.Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

2.To make the tomato sauce, heat olive oil in a saucepan over medium heat. Saute onion and garlic until fragrant and slightly browned (about 4 minutes) then add the rest of your ingredients. Bring to a boil and reduce heat to low, allowing tomato sauce to simmer for about 35 minutes. Sauce should become thick.

3.On two baking sheets, assemble pita bread and spread about ⅓ cup of sauce on each. Add bell pepper slices and sprinkle with mozzarella cheese. Transfer to the oven and bake for roughly 20 minutes, until cheese has melted and crust is slightly browned. Remove from oven an sprinkle with fresh basil. Cut into slices and enjoy!" - Kelly from Eat Yourself Skinny

private practice eating GIF
1 of these pizzas equals (roughly) a whopping 275 Calories! How can you beat that. 

Make sure to have fun with it! You don't always have to follow a recipe. There are far too many substitutes for a pita pizza. I usually add: spinach, onions, jalapenos, pepperoni, bacon if i'm feeling extra thick, and cheese. From picky eaters who only like cheese to people like myself who throw spinach on it, you will find that Pita pizza is suitable for anyone. 
tips help GIF

I am getting hungry just from typing this! I encourage you all to experiment and make your own. 

Sincerely, Woe Amor

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Entry #5: Mayhem On Your Highway

Woe I love fries!

Eat Music Video GIF by Hanson

Okay, okay I know we all have lazy days where everything feels sluggish. While having one of these days my schedule will definitely have fast food upon it. Now I don't ever throw my trash out the window, I know there are many careless people who do. Whether you’re the careless person who litters or the person driving behind the littering car, Allstate has your back.

This video acknowledges the dangers of throwing trash out the window while driving on the road. A person who is affected by the falling trash may get into an accident. The trash is then shuffled between cars until finally it reaches the side of the road. When trash is put out into the environment, animals can get to it and digest it. From the original person who littered, it created a chain of dangerous events. The point of this ad is to show drivers that careless people surround you and even the simplest thing can cause an accident. 

Driving Go Away GIF by RETROFUNKThe target audience for this ad is a person who eats fast food in their car and created an accident by throwing trash out of the car window. The person pretending to be trash says, “If you got cut rate insurance, you could be paying for this yourself”. To make this serious matter humorous, they made the narrator the role of trash. The person is thrown out of the window, which causes a car to swerve into a guard rail. Following the accident the person is swept underneath the car and hit by a Mack truck. Finally he is tossed out to the side and eaten by bears. 

Although American culture is viewed upon as unhealthy and careless, this ad seems to lighten the tense situation with dark humor. Some may have feelings towards litter and others may be cold towards the situation. While it may seem funny, the ad also has a cold feel towards the atmosphere. 
mean girls trash GIF

In Allstate reality, get insurance. And guys, take care of your trash! 
Sincerely, Woe Amor                      

Entry #4: I’m sorry.

IGN Amor here,  

A girl gamer? No way.
I am sorry it had to come to this my blogger fans :Kappa:
busy chis sweet home GIFMy lovely ex boyfriend had gotten me hooked on the player based moba called Smite.  Everything about that sentence sounds terrible. After countless hours of watching him play smite, I decided to try it for myself. I’d like to consider myself the worst-best player or the best-worst player when it comes to Smite. You’d think after four years I’d learn how to use “W,A,S,D” properly (The letters W,A,S,D are the keys used to move around and control your god). Another big thank you to my ex for showing me the game but not showing me how to move efficiently. Even though I tend to joke my gaming disability along with many other gamers, I don't actually think im too bad. There's this giant stigma where girl gamers fall into a bad category. I just happen to be on top (Just kidding).
Image result for masters joust border season four
I think this is the part where I flex my season four master joust border. Or I can just flex my friends. They’re the big brain gamers here, not me. 
smite pro league dunk GIF by Team RivalIn all seriousness, Smite can either feel like a tired game, or a game that anyone can enjoy. Between making friends or just mastering your favorite god, Smite has something for everyone. Now and days I find myself playing the modes: Assault, Joust, Ranked Joust & Ranked Conquest. The mode of conquest is the main mode where the biggest brained gamers or pros play on. When entering any mode, you might hear the words “scrub” or “Noob”. Don't be discouraged.. Just call them a noob back (kidding). 

(Aphrodite below)
You may be identified by the god you choose. For example, if you instalock Loki on the lobby screen you may also find yourself reading the letters “GG” (No one likes to have a Loki in their game). The typical egirl will choose healer based gods like Aphrodite or Hel. Where as the strong and masculine (that's a joke) eboys will choose Susano or King Arthur. I on the other hand have a large god pool. A god can be ranked one through ten (anything after ten will be given a star). I have 54 diamonds (Level ten gods) out of the 101 gods in the game. For the most part, I am able to understand every god in the game. My current favorite gods consist of Hou Yi, Ra, and Sylvanus. Atypical if you ask me. 

At the end of the day, Smite is the best game to ever be created.
10/10 Would recommend.

Sincerely Woe Amor