Sunday, October 13, 2019

Entry #4: I’m sorry.

IGN Amor here,  

A girl gamer? No way.
I am sorry it had to come to this my blogger fans :Kappa:
busy chis sweet home GIFMy lovely ex boyfriend had gotten me hooked on the player based moba called Smite.  Everything about that sentence sounds terrible. After countless hours of watching him play smite, I decided to try it for myself. I’d like to consider myself the worst-best player or the best-worst player when it comes to Smite. You’d think after four years I’d learn how to use “W,A,S,D” properly (The letters W,A,S,D are the keys used to move around and control your god). Another big thank you to my ex for showing me the game but not showing me how to move efficiently. Even though I tend to joke my gaming disability along with many other gamers, I don't actually think im too bad. There's this giant stigma where girl gamers fall into a bad category. I just happen to be on top (Just kidding).
Image result for masters joust border season four
I think this is the part where I flex my season four master joust border. Or I can just flex my friends. They’re the big brain gamers here, not me. 
smite pro league dunk GIF by Team RivalIn all seriousness, Smite can either feel like a tired game, or a game that anyone can enjoy. Between making friends or just mastering your favorite god, Smite has something for everyone. Now and days I find myself playing the modes: Assault, Joust, Ranked Joust & Ranked Conquest. The mode of conquest is the main mode where the biggest brained gamers or pros play on. When entering any mode, you might hear the words “scrub” or “Noob”. Don't be discouraged.. Just call them a noob back (kidding). 

(Aphrodite below)
You may be identified by the god you choose. For example, if you instalock Loki on the lobby screen you may also find yourself reading the letters “GG” (No one likes to have a Loki in their game). The typical egirl will choose healer based gods like Aphrodite or Hel. Where as the strong and masculine (that's a joke) eboys will choose Susano or King Arthur. I on the other hand have a large god pool. A god can be ranked one through ten (anything after ten will be given a star). I have 54 diamonds (Level ten gods) out of the 101 gods in the game. For the most part, I am able to understand every god in the game. My current favorite gods consist of Hou Yi, Ra, and Sylvanus. Atypical if you ask me. 

At the end of the day, Smite is the best game to ever be created.
10/10 Would recommend.

Sincerely Woe Amor  


  1. Hi, I love your blog! This entry was super interesting. I've heard of Smite and have a few buddies who play it. I love video games, but not the competitive aspect that most have. I like the ones where you can explore and go on quests just by yourself, without getting called a "noob". Maybe I will try out Smite one day!

  2. I love that you're a girl gamer too. I mainly love RPG games my favorite is any modern warefare. I'm going to have to look into Smite.I'm not to big into computer games but also very open to new ones. I can totally relate to the best-worst player or the worst-best player. I had a boyfriend that did the exact thing to me. So one night after he went to bed I hopped on the xbox and just played for about 6 hours he woke up and was pissed because I unlocked a bunch of stuff that he couldn't. Then accused me of lying and telling him I didn't know how I did it even though I truly didn't know. This post is sooooo beyond relatable to me. I'm just glad I'm not the only one. GIRL GAMER CLUB should totally be a thing! If I ever play Smite at least I know who can teach me the W,A,S,D so I'm not totally lost!
