Sunday, October 13, 2019

Entry #5: Mayhem On Your Highway

Woe I love fries!

Eat Music Video GIF by Hanson

Okay, okay I know we all have lazy days where everything feels sluggish. While having one of these days my schedule will definitely have fast food upon it. Now I don't ever throw my trash out the window, I know there are many careless people who do. Whether you’re the careless person who litters or the person driving behind the littering car, Allstate has your back.

This video acknowledges the dangers of throwing trash out the window while driving on the road. A person who is affected by the falling trash may get into an accident. The trash is then shuffled between cars until finally it reaches the side of the road. When trash is put out into the environment, animals can get to it and digest it. From the original person who littered, it created a chain of dangerous events. The point of this ad is to show drivers that careless people surround you and even the simplest thing can cause an accident. 

Driving Go Away GIF by RETROFUNKThe target audience for this ad is a person who eats fast food in their car and created an accident by throwing trash out of the car window. The person pretending to be trash says, “If you got cut rate insurance, you could be paying for this yourself”. To make this serious matter humorous, they made the narrator the role of trash. The person is thrown out of the window, which causes a car to swerve into a guard rail. Following the accident the person is swept underneath the car and hit by a Mack truck. Finally he is tossed out to the side and eaten by bears. 

Although American culture is viewed upon as unhealthy and careless, this ad seems to lighten the tense situation with dark humor. Some may have feelings towards litter and others may be cold towards the situation. While it may seem funny, the ad also has a cold feel towards the atmosphere. 
mean girls trash GIF

In Allstate reality, get insurance. And guys, take care of your trash! 
Sincerely, Woe Amor                      


  1. I really liked h=how you wrote about this ad and all the pictures you incorporated with it too. It gave me a good sense of what you were talking about and the All state commercial itself. You are right at the fact that as Americans we can be portrayed as lazy and careless. The ad is pretty funny too, making a person be represented as trash. You did a great job with expressing your thoughts and perspective on this ad. I look forward to reading more of your blog entries.

  2. You really did a great job on this. Your memes fit perfect with the ad and your writing. Americans have gotten really lazy and careless. I look forward to reading more of your blogs.

  3. You really did a great job of initially grabbing the reader's attention! I was pleasantly surprised by the turn that this blog took right after. I really thought that this blog was going to be about fries at first glance. Furthermore, I would like to share my admiration for incorporating such an important topic into your blog in a fun way. The way that you described the awful habit that some people have of throwing trash out of their window inspired me to reflect on how often I see this occur. I am realizing that this happens more than I previously thought! I think that you did a great job of bringing light to this situation and helping people be aware of their surroundings. I am always a supporter of treating our environment better and being mindful of the world we live in! Great blog!

  4. Effective analysis of the various aspects of this ad. Keep it up!
