Sunday, November 24, 2019

Entry #10: Can I Stop Getting the Middle Seat?!

plane fail GIFThis is Captain Amor speaking, ladies and gentlemen we’ve apparently lost our hydraulics and are working on the issue. Please hold tight.

Traveling by plane can be the most terrifying and uncomfortable experience out there. Although it can have some perks like watching a sunset. I uh can't really think of any more perks. I will be visiting home next month and I get so much built up anxiety from flying. When flying I create a mental checklist to help defuse my anxiety levels. 

Image result for clouds sunsetThis checklist consists of four parts: Pre-traveling, waiting to board the plane, flying the aircraft (kidding), and landing. 

pack packing GIFPre-Traveling:
When pre-traveling make sure you bring your essentials. For the most part I will bring an abundance of clothing, shoes, toiletries, makeup, my laptop, notebook / pens, a neck pillow, a travel jacket, headphones (which are a must), etc. Polaroid cameras are also cool to travel around with! 

Make sure to neatly pack your luggage! You never know when you're going to be needing something from one of your bags. This can be done by folding your clothing to the smallest size possible or packing specific outfits or groups in ziploc bags. 

Waiting To Board:
You got to your boarding area considerably early and now your bored with nothing to do. This is the perfect time to 1. Use real bathrooms and 2. Grab your snacks! You should always be drinking water when traveling. Dehydration can be killer during this time. I usually take this time to hydrate and moisturize. Traveling can be tough on your skin and body. You've gotten your snacks and taken care of your body. Now it is time for the waiting game. A very obvious tip would be to use your phone. If you don't have a phone, pretend to have one. If you’re as anti social as me, you would understand that headphones are a savior and talking is horrendous. 

amy poehler drinking GIFFlying (as a passenger.. do I really have to clarify that? [kidding]): 
Traveling alone can be awful. The comfort levels differ when getting an assigned seat. If you got the window seat congratulations you have received a considerably nice seat (unless you get motion sick). You’re on the end? Not too bad.. You can at least leave before anyone else in your row. If you get the middle seat be ready for a long and stiff journey (hence why I travel with a neck pillow). 

This is the perfect time to 1. Drink alcohol (if you’re of legal age) 2. SLEEP! 3. Take advantage of their free tv shows if they offer them. Another cool thing about traveling is that your brain is constantly producing ideas. Write them down!

You hear the “we will be landing in 20 minutes” from the speaker. Everyone around you is shuffling around with anxious and relieved faces. For obvious reasons clean up after yourself and make sure you have everything. Everyone will be grabbing from the top compartments. During this time I maneuver my way around everyone and dart to the finish line.  

You have made it to your destination. If you’re traveling home, it's now that time to greet your family members with the warmest of hugs. 
Broad City season 3 episode 9 broad city traveling GIF

“Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.” – Anthony Bourdain

Sincerely, Woe Amor

1 comment:

  1. Your voice is engaging in your posts and you've done a good job providing structure and using the benefits of writing in this medium. I hope you consider continuing to blog in the future.
