Sunday, November 3, 2019

Entry #7: I Am Not Amoosed

Woe! When did I turn into a food safety captain?
staring bored to death GIF
I stumbled upon a surprising video the other night when devouring a giant bag full of Chick-fil-A. The food that we surround ourselves with on a daily basis is filled with unnatural and unhealthy additives. The video titled Fresh, does a fantastic job at explaining the repulsive stages of food that we find in our local grocery stores. 

Ew Dislike GIFAmericans have grown seemingly lazier over the years when it comes to making meals. “There's nothing Americans fear more than inconvenience” says George Naylor. Ever wonder why the names are super long on the ingredients list? Our food nowadays contains preservatives and unnatural additives tracing back to the early farm stage. That chicken nugget you just ate contains a chicken who was neglected and fed antibiotics to help them fight off disease. Or maybe you just brought home a few steaks to cook for your family and had no idea that the cow you’re about to eat just ate another cow and grains (cows should only have a grass based diet). Pretty uh, gruesome if you ask me.
The target audience is anyone that isn't shopping at Whole Foods, Sprouts, and even their local farmer (organic and natural food products are easier to find at these exampled locations). Your body should be cherished and praised like a temple. Although the natural and organic foods may be higher in price, they are without a doubt better for your body (and I am no doctor). Let’s not forget to mention that the amount of money that goes into sustaining these toxic agricultural settings can be highly reduced. Just by rotating crops and feeding these animals what they should be eating (grass > grain) the agriculture industry can largely cut costs. 
Happy Homer Simpson GIF

Although the farmers tend to have a humorous tone, the video is consistently serious when speaking to their audience. I instantly knew that the video was important when it showcased horrid images of workers throwing a mass amount of chicks on the ground. Poor babies! When watching this video I instantly thought of the company Tyson amongst other farms in this highly competing industry. This video definitely opened my eyes more when it comes to purchasing food from the grocery store. This film matters and should be seen by every individual in America. It’s definitely easier to not know what's in our food. I truly believe that instead of being unaware of the growing agriculture issue, we as Americans should be coming up with solutions to make our people stronger and healthier. 
Vegan Hug GIF by VPRO

“Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.” - William Shakespeare
Sincerely, Woe Amor

1 comment:

  1. I have to completely agree with you on many points. It was horrid when they threw those baby chicks like that, I almost cried. The way they treat those poor animals it's terrible, it slightly makes me want to become a vegaterian.
    People have gotten lazier and go with the quickest wat to get sustanence. I have fallen to this as well unfortunately. If people made time to care and look into what they are ingesting they might put more effort into cooking their food and buying better food products.
