Sunday, November 17, 2019

Entry #9: Can I get Some of That?

Does anyone have a snack? Anyone?
Woe! The blog started.. 

When you think of trail mix do you think of the traditional ingredients that include various styles of nuts, raisins, popcorn, and even chocolate? 

I came across a humorous yet serious comic strip when searching for healthy trail mix over the weekend. 

The American obesity rate has dramatically increased since the year 1980. According to IHME, “160 million Americans are either obese or overweight.” The comic strip above depicts two boys in the woods talking about the food they had packed for their trip. The boy on the right says he has trail mix and presents his bag full of chips, cookies, pizza, cake, and candy. Alarming? The excited boy then proclaims that he makes his own with a giant smile on his face. The idea of trail mix has definitely been skewed in this boys head. The boy on the left appears genuinely confused and surprised by these unhealthy foods brought by the boy on the right. In comparison to his friend on the left he also appears larger. According to the website IHME, “We know that there are severe health effects related to childhood obesity, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and many cancers. We need to be thinking now about how to turn this trend around.” 

trail mix video GIFIt is very important to educate our children on the effects of poor eating habits and lifestyles. When a person chooses to eat poorly they are faced with larger health risks like diabetes or heart related problems. You could be saving your child from even experiencing these particular problems at a young age when informing them about the benefits of eating healthier. 

Season 6 Pizza GIF by Friends

Don't get me wrong pizza and chips sound awesome but I also can respect a good healthy alternative. The blog named “Five Heart Home” does a great job at explaining how to make your own trail mix while still eating healthy. Remember eating clean doesn't have to be a task or a burden. There are plenty of great ways to incorporate healthy into your everyday lifestyle. I’d love to hear what you guys think!

Sincerely, Woe Amor  


  1. I agree that there are ways to live a healthy lifestyle and still eat a few foods we like once in awhile. I knew a past co-worker that got childhood diabetes. He showed me a picture of what he used to look like as a kid and he was definitely obese. It sad to see that he has to carry an emergency kit with him everywhere just in case his insulin levels take a major turn for the worse. I started eating healthy 2 months ago when my husband got bad news that he was pre-diabetic. That was the wake up call for us. AS hard as it is sometimes, we think of it as a lifestyle change. We don't crave those salty and sugary foods any more. Even most fast food restaurants have processed food that is hard for us to eat now. Our portion size for meals have reduced. Ultimately, we feel better and we have lost 15 pounds so it is all worth it.

  2. Pizza and chips sounds like my kind of trail mix! I agree with being a better example for our children, my daughter is a super picky child and trying to get her to eat anything healthy is like pulling teeth! Learning more about these things is definitely an eye-opener when it comes to her health.

  3. Love this blog. This explains me exactly lol. I would choose pizza over trail mix anyday even though I know pizza is not the best choice.
