Sunday, September 8, 2019

Entry #1. The Big World (of Blogs)

Woe Amor here, 

Have you ever heard of something so profound about your celebrity crush and found yourself on a blog page? Well, I know I have. I find that these articles and entries are based around loose facts or assumptions.For example, when the news of Justin Bieber eating a burrito sideways on a park bench became viral, it was later revealed that it was a hoax.

    "On Rumor's tongue continual slanders ride” - William Shakespeare

Celebrity based blog pages,like Perez Hilton or TMZ, allow its readers to call or write in faulty information through the “
GOT A TIP” option. Having an open source of information can lead to propaganda found directly on smartphones. Although there are many unreliable blogs full of misinformation and slander, there are also an immense amount of blogs that are factual and have a direct source of information, like The New York Times.

Despite the many hours I spend on unreliable blogs and articles, I can still appreciate sources that are more credible. I find myself feeling more comfortable about the information being said, when reading blogs such as The New York Times. The New York Times uses journalists who have integrity and expertise. The black and white colors, bold headlines, and paragraphs with many words, are key features of a professional writing style. Not only are the entries more curated, they also use suspenseful and related images that follow their topics. The articles found on The New York Times are written in a way that delivers the information using first-hand sources and factual evidence to help convey their message.

While The New York Times uses current events and world topics, there are other casual and biased blogs like TMZ and Perez Hilton. These phony and unprofessional blogs use exaggerated and bizarre topics to grip the reader into believing falsehood. I have never exactly liked the over dramatized websites about gossip as they are very distasteful. I do however, find them amusing and like to follow the different perspectives each individual has when reading these profound writings. These colorful and exciting blogs can draw any reader in, however their lack of credible images and sources discredit anything useful the article tries to convey.

Overall, there is a myriad amount of articles that float around the internet and their sources of information should be taken with a grain of salt. When reading articles, be sure to be careful of what you read because anything can be taken out of context and turned into a headline. 
Sincerely, Woe Amor 


  1. I have to say I absolutely love and agree with you on how TMZ and Perez Hilton are very amusing and attention snatching but not credible in many forms. I enjoy reading through them every so often just to get a good laugh but I don't allow myself to believe anything that they write. I'm sure some of the stuff they publish is factual but I still chose not to believe it until it is on a credible site or news channel. I enjoyed how you wrote about the New York Times, I think I might have to look into them and read up on the information and news that they publish. Thank you for writing about it. Have great day! So sorry I deleted a comment I didn't realize that my original comment was some how linked to my personal gmail not my school email.

    1. Haha don't worry about it! I took care of that lol. Right??? They can be so amusing but you can never trust them. Anyway, thank you for stopping by!

  2. I love TMZ, even though not always credible. As a regular human on this Earth, it's fun to see what celebrities are up to. I can imagine celebrities reading articles about them that were completely taken out of context, I know that would be frustrating for me! It seems hard nowadays to trust anything we read because most news sites want to have their story out first but that doesn't always necessarily mean the information is accurate.

    1. You're totally right! I can't imagine what it's like hearing about another ghastly article on them. I love when celebrities put out their own version of information.

  3. Good organization, development and engaging post. Keep it up!
