Friday, September 13, 2019

Entry #2: I am UsagI Tsukino

Woe ASnore Here,

Is that introduction getting boring yet? Just Kidding.

I’m not gonna lie to you guys that this entire time of writing my own blogs I didn't know you can insert GIFS. Don't expect anymore photos.
Do you see that cute bun-headed girl up there? Yeah that's me (Just kidding). Although we do share similar personalities.

I know, I know I added a photo. Common Woe. 

Usagi Tsukino, better known for her bun headed appearance plays in the fictional manga series called “Sailor Moon”.  Although her fellow guardians dont think she's capable of leading the group, she is actually the leader or protagonist of the series. Sailor Moon is considered to be one of the leading staples in anime. The series starts off by following Usagi around her everyday life. This includes getting poor grades and being late to school to beating up on her younger brother. She saves a cat named Luna from getting bullied and pulls off a band-aid on the cats head hiding the magical crescent mark. This personifies Luna by giving her human-like qualities. Luna is then able to talk and give Usagi the magical broach. When using this broach Usagi is able to transform into Sailor Moon. Every episode, Sailor moon is faced with meeting new villains and fellow guardians. These fellow guardians once started out as normal girls who later become Usagi’s best friends. The guardians and Sailor Moon set out to find the silver crystal while defeating villains. Later the silver crystal reveals as a symbol to the entire show.

Oh, and we can't forget about the dreamy Tuxedo Mask, otherwise known as Mamoru Chiba. Mamoru is responsible for the taunting nickname “Bunhead”. Usagi gets a very poor grade on a test and throws it behind her hitting Mamoru in the head. This results in Mamoru saying “Watch where you’re throwing things bunhead”. Until she discovers that Mamoru is actually Tuxedo Mask, the two continue to fued. The psychic and healing Tuxedo Mask conceals his identity with a cape and mask. He interferes with enemy operations, while offering the cry baby Sailor Moon (Usagi), and the other Sailor Guardians assistance.

“Mamoru, each & every one of us have stars in our hearts, & you know that the star is shining when you feel that heat…" - Sailor Moon

Am I childish for adoring this show? Maybe. The entire plot is very captivating and the imagery for the time is fantastic. As an aspiring graphic design artist the style is everything I enjoy. From fighting off villains with purely just love, to watching Usagi fall in love with her soulmate Mamoru Chiba, I have fallen in love. I am a Sailor Moon enthusiast who still cries over the intense moments like Usagi does.  It’s. Just. That. Good (to me). I never realized how hard it was to type about a show while trying not to spoil everything. I could go on and on but I  encourage everyone to just go watch it (and hey! Don't skip over those “filler” episodes). 

Sincerely, Woe Amor

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Entry #1. The Big World (of Blogs)

Woe Amor here, 

Have you ever heard of something so profound about your celebrity crush and found yourself on a blog page? Well, I know I have. I find that these articles and entries are based around loose facts or assumptions.For example, when the news of Justin Bieber eating a burrito sideways on a park bench became viral, it was later revealed that it was a hoax.

    "On Rumor's tongue continual slanders ride” - William Shakespeare

Celebrity based blog pages,like Perez Hilton or TMZ, allow its readers to call or write in faulty information through the “
GOT A TIP” option. Having an open source of information can lead to propaganda found directly on smartphones. Although there are many unreliable blogs full of misinformation and slander, there are also an immense amount of blogs that are factual and have a direct source of information, like The New York Times.

Despite the many hours I spend on unreliable blogs and articles, I can still appreciate sources that are more credible. I find myself feeling more comfortable about the information being said, when reading blogs such as The New York Times. The New York Times uses journalists who have integrity and expertise. The black and white colors, bold headlines, and paragraphs with many words, are key features of a professional writing style. Not only are the entries more curated, they also use suspenseful and related images that follow their topics. The articles found on The New York Times are written in a way that delivers the information using first-hand sources and factual evidence to help convey their message.

While The New York Times uses current events and world topics, there are other casual and biased blogs like TMZ and Perez Hilton. These phony and unprofessional blogs use exaggerated and bizarre topics to grip the reader into believing falsehood. I have never exactly liked the over dramatized websites about gossip as they are very distasteful. I do however, find them amusing and like to follow the different perspectives each individual has when reading these profound writings. These colorful and exciting blogs can draw any reader in, however their lack of credible images and sources discredit anything useful the article tries to convey.

Overall, there is a myriad amount of articles that float around the internet and their sources of information should be taken with a grain of salt. When reading articles, be sure to be careful of what you read because anything can be taken out of context and turned into a headline. 
Sincerely, Woe Amor