Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Entry Number Not So Uno.

Woe Amor here, 
Yes I am THAT chick (the one who starts their blog entries off with that typical dear diary type intro).
For the entirety of my life (a whole Twenty-One years), I have went by the name of Britney Butler. But from here on out you can refer to me as the author of “Woe Amor”. I was born and raised in a little-big town near Albany, New York. On August 13th, 2017, I packed up all of my belongings and traveled to the scorching city of Phoenix, Arizona.

You may ask if this journey was formidable. Why yes, It was. I left my entire family, friends, and even not so friends to jump right into the deep unknown ( and no, I am not referring to the “Mariana Trench” ). 

Speaking of trenches.. I just love to throw my money into them. Kinda like a, uh, hobby. Irrationally spending my money while shopping is one of the many hobbies that I have. Some others include: playing video games,watching Sailor Moon,traveling, drawing, snowboarding, and spending a mass amount of time on my phone (can anyone else relate?). 
I can be the most patient, and kindest individual out there but if you trigger a pet peeve of mine you’ll also expose my short fuse. Some of these pet peeves include: slow drivers, liars, telling me something I already know, acting of authority without having actual authority, and probably an invasion of privacy. 

To me, privacy is a key factor in my life. Some may call me snoody or self-centered for not wanting to share little things like “I need to make a nail fill appointment later” to even something like “I just went shopping and bought this cute black dress”. I would have to call myself introverted. While people care to discuss the little things creating the smallest of talk, I am focused on achieving daily goals in my life. Some of these goals include finishing assignments at work, making sure that everything is properly done during my work shift, to even achieving that 4.0 in my English 101 class. 

I think you get the gist of who I am and what I like, but to be completely honest here, I haven't exactly told you the meaning behind my name. Woe meaning sorrow or grief and amor meaning love in Spanish, can be put together to basically mean sad love. My blog name “Woe Amor” has a little more of a twist on the words as it can also be pronounced to sound like “whoa love” (almost like saying slow down love). With that all being said, you will surely see more post of sorrow and love inspired by one of the most influential writers in history: Adieu! I have too grieved a heart to take a tedious leave”- William Shakespeare

Sincerely, Woe Amor